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Student Counseling Center

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Our Commitment to You

PG电子app下载咨询中心为在校学生提供校内咨询服务. BHSU的专业顾问致力于为您提供公正的服务, culturally sensitive, 高质量的关怀让学生不偏不倚, objective, confidential setting. 我们的咨询服务是针对各种各样的问题,如日常压力, immediate crisis, academic concerns, relationship stressors, adjustment concerns, personal growth, trauma recovery, etc.

You Are Welcome Here

我们致力于肯定尊重, compassion, and acceptance for all, 我们颂扬各种背景和身份的多样性, 包括但不限于:民族的, racial, and cultural backgrounds; languages; mental health; sexual, gender, and affectional identities; physical, sensory, and cognitive/learning abilities; body sizes and shapes; ages; relationship and reproductive statuses; military service; religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs; socioeconomic statuses; substance use and those in recovery; and others for whom there is not yet commonly shared language to discuss your identities.