首页 / 理工学院 / 服务 / 用户帐户操作指南



在BHSU,你将有一个主账户. This account is your 电子邮件 and it will allow you to log into the 电子邮件 system, 校园计算机, 图书馆系统, 和网站. Following this guide will help you access your account for the first time.



1. First, you need to know what your username is and set your password. 要做到这一点,请打开 密码自助服务网站 在网页浏览器(EDGE, Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox等)中.)

2. 点击“忘记密码”按钮



3. 下一个屏幕将询问您的姓氏和出生日期. Please make sure you enter your birth date in the correct format MMDDYYYY and then select the checkbox verifying you are not a robot 

4. 输入信息后,选择电子邮件验证. If you received an error on this screen, please contact the 帮助台 by filling out this form




5. You will have a message displayed that includes the first letter of your alternative 电子邮件 address and part of the 电子邮件 domain. i.e. r************@g****.请登录您的备用电子邮件地址



6. 在你的备用电子邮件帐户, find the 电子邮件 from BHSU HelpDesk with the subject BHSU 忘记了ten Password Verification

7. The 电子邮件 will display your BHSU 电子邮件 address (usually Firstname.Lastname@yellowjackets.gxczdy.com), take note of your BHSU 电子邮件 and then select the "Click Here" link

8. A new screen will open asking for a new password and will also display the password requirements. Please type in a new password and then click the Change Password button


9. Once your password is accepted, you will see a progress bar while your password is changed. 一旦这个栏结束,你的新密码就生效了


10. 现在,去你的 黄夹克电子邮件帐户

11. Log into your 电子邮件 using your full 电子邮件 address and the password you just set

12. A second box will pop up asking you for additional verification. 点击启动设置




13. The next screen will ask you what type of device you would like to use as your second-factor during login. If you have an iPhone or Android smart phone, select Mobile phone and click on continue.

注意: If you do not own a smart phone, please stop the process and 电子邮件 the 帮助台 at BHSUHelpDesk@BHSU.edu



14. Enter a valid phone number and then select the checkbox confirming the number is correct. 点击继续

15. 选择您在Duo中注册的手机类型

16. On your phone, go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and download the Duo Mobile app. Make sure that the app you download has a green logo and is made by Duo Security

17. 在电脑上,点击“我安装了Duo Mobile”

18. 打开 Duo mobile app on your phone and select the "+" icon in the upper right corner of the screen to add your account. If your phone asks to allow Duo access to your camera select "Allow"

19. 扫描显示在电脑屏幕上的二维码. 这将链接您的帐户到您的Duo移动应用程序

20. Now back on back your computer, the QR code will have a green checkmark on it, click on continue



21. 在下面的屏幕中选择“Continue to Login”

22. 您已成功注册Duo. The following screen will have two options: "Send Me a Push" and "Enter a Passcode.点击“给我推送”



23. 在您的手机上,您将收到来自Duo Mobile的通知. 单击通知并点击Approve按钮.

注意:如果您没有看到通知, you can also open the Duo Mobile app and there will be a green bar at the top with an awaiting request. 点击绿色栏并批准您的登录. 

24. 点击批准后,您将登录到您的电子邮件. 因为这是你第一次进入系统, you will be prompted to select your Default Language and your Default Time Zone (用鱼叉捕鱼 and 快速的城市 are in the UTC-07:00 Mountain Time Zone)

25. You now have access to your BHSU network account that can be used to log into your 电子邮件, 校园计算机, D2L, 还有更多的系统

我不记得我的邮箱密码了. 我该如何改变它?

1. 首先,去 密码重置入口

2. 选择遗忘密码



3. Enter your Email Address and your Date of Birth in the MMDDYYYY format. 点击你不是机器人,然后点击搜索

4. The next screen displays two options: Recover your password using your Recovery 问题 or Send an 电子邮件 to your alternate 电子邮件. 注意: You cannot use Secret 问题 unless you have used this system before.

5. 选择一个您喜欢使用的


6. 选择秘密问题和答案按钮

7. You will be prompted with two of your three recovery questions. Give the answer to both and hit Check Answers (these are not case sensitive)

8. 现在您将被要求设置一个新密码

9. Once you have typed your new password into both boxes, hit "Change Password". 注意: If the portal flashes and returns you to enter in another password, 系统不接受您的密码. Generally this is either a previous password or contains someone's name. 请选择新密码.

10. Once your password is accepted, you will see a progress bar while your password is changed. Once that bar finishes, your password is now changed and is active.


6. 选择短信/电子邮件验证按钮

7. 登录你的备用邮箱, the 电子邮件 is partially displayed at the top of the screen if you are unsure which 电子邮件 was used

8. 电子邮件将来自BHSUHelpDesk@BHSU.edu的主题是BHSU忘记密码验证

9. There is a link on the top of the 电子邮件, click the link to open a Change your password page

10. Once you have typed your new password into both boxes, hit "Change Password". 注意: If the portal flashes and returns you to enter in another password, 系统不接受您的密码. Generally this is either a previous password or contains someone's name. 请选择新密码.

11. Once your password is accepted, you will see a progress bar while your password is changed. Once that bar finishes, your password is now changed and is active.


1. 打开 密码自助服务门户 in your web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.)

2. At the login screen, enter your 电子邮件 address and your current 电子邮件 password even if it is expired

3. If this is your first time logging into the password self-service portal you will have to set three security questions. 如果之前已经登录过,请跳转到步骤6

4. 输入答案后,点击“保存答案”

5. 在下一个屏幕上按“继续”

6. Now, the system will say your password is expired and ask for a new password. 您不能使用最近10个密码中的任何一个.

7. Once you have typed your new password into both boxes, hit 'Change Password.' 注意: If the portal flashes and returns you to enter in another password, 系统不接受您的密码. Generally this is either a previous password or contains someone's name. 请选择新密码.

8. Once your password is accepted, you will see a progress bar while your password is changed. Once that bar finishes, your password is now changed and is active.

我无法登录我的D2L账户. 如何更改密码?

D2L现在使用您的BHSU电子邮件地址和电子邮件密码. 如果您无法访问BHSU的电子邮件, please click the applicable link below and follow the steps to gain access back into your account:




In order to complete your registration, you must first accept the registration terms and conditions.

1. Open your web browser (EDGE, Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, etc.),然后去你的 BHSU SNAP门户.

2. Log in using your full BHSU 电子邮件 address and your 电子邮件 password

3. 一旦您登录到MyBHSU/SNAP, c点击“注册条款和条件”链接


4. C在动作项目处理弹出框上点击“继续”


5. 点击右上角的“查看操作项”


6. 您将看到几个待处理的操作项.  Click on “Register for Classes” for each of the action items on the left


7. Answer the questions and click "Save" at the bottom of each question (right)

8. The final Action Item will be the Financial Terms and Conditions of your 登记 agreement.  你先把协议通读一遍, 滚动到底部,选择同意,如果你接受这些条款. 然后点击“保存”




9. Once all items have been completed, click the “Return” button in the top right corner

注意: 可能会再次弹出“取消”或“继续”对话框.  点击“取消.然后你将被允许进入学生注册菜单.