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Below is the Purchasing Policy approved at the SDBOR Meeting. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Purchasing Office at 605.642.6285 or stop by Woodburn Hall Room 205.



1. 序言

SDCL 13-49-15 and 13-49-16 provide the Board with the power to purchase equipment, 供应, and 服务, as long as such purchases are in accordance with SDCL Chapter 5-18 A, B, D.

委员会已授权签订购买设备的合同, 供应, and 服务 by the institution except as delineated otherwise in this policy. All purchases shall be made in accordance with the following policy.

2. State Contracts

南达科他州通过采购管理办公室维持各种供应品和设备合同. 这些合同是由南达科他州投标的,或者是该州参与的国家合同. 这些合同必须作为第一来源使用,除非从其他来源购买项目更具成本效益.

3. Equipment Supply Purchases under $4,000

Orders for non-contract items with a total cost of less than $4,000英镑应通过采用符合机构最佳利益的健全商业惯例而获得. 书面报价应从供应商处获得,并附在采购申请单上,除非该项目是从现有合同中购买的.

4. Equipment Supply Purchases between $4,000 and $25,000

According to SDCL 5-18A-11, any order with a total cost exceeding $4,000 and less than $25,000, requires a minimum of three competitive quotes unless the item(s) are available from existing contracts; are considered exempt as outlined in Section 6 below, or are justifiably a sole source. 任何非豁免项目的订单必须经采购管理厅批准,除非是从现有合同中采购. 该机构的采购部门将负责获得有竞争力的报价,并在适用的情况下获得采购管理厅的批准.

5. Equipment Supply Purchases exceeding $25,000

Items with a total cost exceeding $25,000 must be bid by the Office of Procurement Management unless the item(s) are available from existing contracts; are considered exempt as outlined in Section 6 below, or are justifiably a sole source. 所有单一来源请求必须以标准单一来源表格提交,并需经采购管理厅批准.

6. Exempt Items

SDCL 5-18A-22对本节所提到的项目规定了竞争性招标要求的豁免. 豁免项目的购买应采用健全的商业惯例,并符合机构的最佳利益. 必须从建议的供应商处获得书面报价,并附在采购申请单上. 采购专员应审查豁免订单,以确定是否以及何时应征求有竞争力的报价. Any federal bidding requirements if funded from federal grants must be adhered to.


b) Any purchase of 供应 or 服务, other than professional 服务, 从任何政府实体通过竞争性密封投标或竞争性密封建议书授予的任何有效合同或从过去十二个月内竞争性招标和授予的任何合同中采购代理机构;

c) Any equipment repair contract;

d) Any procurement of electric power, 水, or natural gas; chemical and biological products; 劳动atory apparatus and appliances; published books, 地图, periodicals, and technical 小册子s; works of art for museum and public display; medical 供应; communications technologies, computer hardware and software, peripheral equipment, and related connectivity; tableware or perishable foods;

e) Any 供应, 服务, 以及校董会辖下院校的外部资助研究项目所需的专业服务;

f) Any property or liability insurance or performance bonds, 但州政府任何部门实际购买的保险或履约保证金除外, state institution, 国家机关受国家行政管理局监督;


h) Any purchase of surplus property from another purchasing agency;

i) Any animals purchased;

j) Any seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, 提要, 以及由校董会控制的机构在农场运作中使用的供应品.

7. Technology Purchases

All orders for technology hardware-related items $250.00美元或以上的总成本,应由机构的信息技术部进行审核.


In addition, 技术采购须遵守校董会政策7:6 -技术采购.

8. Executive Director and Board Approval

Purchases of capital assets with a per-unit cost between $250,000 and $500,在发出采购订单之前,必须得到校董会执行董事的批准.

Purchases of capital assets with a per-unit cost exceeding $500,在发出采购订单之前,必须得到校董会的批准.


9. Printing Projects

Per Bureau of Administration Administrative Rule 10:02:03:01 any publication, 小册子, 摩天观景轮, 或总费用超过$100的小册子,并向公众分发, must bear an inscription indicating the number of copies made, the approximate cost per copy, and the name of the printer. 指 这个链接 for more detail


Materials used for the recruitment of students

用于表彰学生和员工的材料,包括毕业典礼, 文凭, and certificates of recognition

Programs for athletic events that are sold to the general public

10. Environmentally Preferred Products

行政管理条例10:02:05:01至10:02:05:15PG电子app下载在购买印刷项目时使用环保产品, paper stock, and cleaning and maintenance equipment and 供应. 指 these rules when purchasing these items. If the total cost of recycled paper exceeds the cost of virgin stock by 5% or more, virgin stock may be used.

11. Non-Professional Services

Any contract for non-professional 服务 in excess of $25,000 must be awarded through a competitive bid process. This process may include a sealed bid process or Request for Proposal (RFP). 非专业服务包括典型的体力或体力服务, examples include bussing contracts, snow removal, garbage contracts, 等. 建筑和公共改善项目不被视为服务,受校董会政策6管辖.

12. Professional Services

Any contract for professional 服务 in excess of $50,000 must be awarded through a Request for Proposal process. The requirement listed in SDCL 5-18D-17 through 5-18D-22 shall be followed.

Professional 服务 are classified as 服务 arising out of a vocation, 调用, occupation or employment involving specialized knowledge, 劳动, 或技能, and the 劳动 或技能 involved is predominantly mental or intellectual, rather than physical or manual.

13. Debarred and/or Suspended Vendors

Per federal law, any purchase made from federal funds exceeding $25,000, 不能由被禁止或暂停与联邦政府做生意的供应商生产. Any purchase order meeting this requirement shall be certified by checking 这个链接, and a copy of the results attached to the purchase order.


Source: BOR, , , , , , , , , , , .